Monday, October 21, 2013

The October Project 2: Day 20

The American Scream  (2012)
Directed by Michael Stephenson

Not a horror movie at all but this film couldn't be more appropriate for an "October" project. A documentary focusing on three amateur "home haunters" in Fairhaven, Massachusetts, "The American Scream" is a heartfelt celebration of  Halloween and those who love it obsessively. These individuals, who turn their homes into elaborate haunted houses every October 31st, range from an obsessive perfectionist who demands a professional level of detail to a couple of sloppy sad sacks who's constructions can barely stand. All approaches are treated with equal validity and reveal their own unique charms.
The filmmakers are not blind to the impact this Halloween obsession can have on family life, especially financially, but the tone is never judgemental or exploitive.
An enjoyable film for, get this, the whole family

PS - Also, be sure to check out this director's previous documentary, Best Worst Movie. which examines the making, and cultural impact, of the magnificent Troll 2.

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